Here I am again with another flower project from Craft Fairy

Have you noticed how rosettes of all shapes and sizes are becoming high fashion items and are being worn by so many people, crafty and otherwise? This is why I've chosen to do my latest project of a ribbon rosette and I've made it in Christmas colours so that it is in time for the coming holidays.
What's even better, is that I've put together an offer for you over on the mothership ( AKA ) so that you don't have to search around for each product and you will also get a discount by buying the lot! Even better. Click here for the offer.
So let's get on with it. You will need:
16mm red with green dots grosgrain ribbon. This should be cut into 4 x 15cm lengths.
16mm willow green grosgrain ribbon cut into 6 x 10cm lengths
1 piece of satin edged chiffon in a 30 cm length. No need to cut this in to short pieces.
1 red button
1 length of strong green thread.
1 strong needle. I know that I've said this before, but when you have to sew through several layers of grosgrain you will not be able to manage with a thin needle. A thimble is also a good extra to have.
Thread your needle and lay out the cut lengths of willow grosgrain as shown.
Secure the legths of ribbon in the centre with a couple of stitches to stop them moving when you sew the next layers. Your needle should now be on the right side of the work.
Take one of the 15cm strips, form a loop and center the bottom of the loop on the underneath as shown in the image. The edges should overlap about 1cm. Push the needle up through the bottom of the loop, trying to get as closely centered both lengthwise and width wise as you can.
Nearly there.
Now concertina fold the satin edged chiffon so that the folds are slightly narrower than the ones below and thread the needle up through the centre. Fan the folds out and stitch into place. It is at this point that you will be glad that you have a strong needle. Sew the button into the centre of the rosette.
on a slant. Then seal the edges with the flame of a tea light, This is by far the safest way to do it. The open flame of the gas hob is a bit too erractic. Finished.
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