This share is for accessories found in the Holiday Mini catalog:

Very Vanilla 1/2" Seam Binding, page 21, Item #120992-2.5 yards each
Silver Tinsel Trim, page 21, Item #120994-2.5 yards each

Glimmer Brads-Brights, page 36, Item #121006-10 brads each

Glimmer Brads-Brights, page 36, Item #121006-10 brads each
The cost for each share will be $18.50 for local customers and $20.50 for mailing customers. If you were to purchase everything at full price, the cost would be $70.00. Please email me if you are interested and when I have 4 names for each share, I will add a PayPal button for payment or you can mail me a check. Deadline to order is October 8th. You can purchase as many shares as you would like. Please email me so I can put you on a list:
- My Information:
- Debbie Henderson
- Stampin' Up! Demonstrator
- Shop 24/7:
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