punched swan tutorial

you'll need: 1 Quic kutz heart die 8 med leaf punch 1 small heart punch cut in half 1 small star punch for the beaks Lightly edge these ... thumbnail 1 summary
you'll need:

1 Quic kutz heart die
8 med leaf punch
1 small heart punch cut in half
1 small star punch for the beaks

Lightly edge these punch out in black

Now using small spots of glue ...i use a tooth pic... glue the first 2 leaves to the heart.

Next using foam tape stick on 2 more leaves.

Foam tape the next 2 behind for the swans tails.

And with the last 2 you will need to round off the stem end of the leaf and foam tape these as the swans wings so they cover up all the other stems.this is the main body done.

to make the heads cut the heart in half and glue in behind the curls of the heart.
i don't know why my camera started taking pink pics all of a sudden ...must of been the light angle???

Next cut off 2 points of the star and glue these pointing down behind the base of the heads. Add Small eyes with a fine marker....and i added small lines above the eyes to define the face

and your done.....just add it then to your card. here's a close up of my card

.........until next post....Valita

A note from Julie : For further inspiration go and check out Valita's FANTASTIC Blog HERE

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