Christmas Advent House

As soon as I saw this little beauty complete with instructions and a template on Nichole Heady's blog I new it would be a project in th... thumbnail 1 summary
As soon as I saw this little beauty complete with instructions and a template on Nichole Heady's blog I new it would be a project in the making for me.
My youngest Daughter Natalie is still at home with us and although she is 17 she still likes to have an advent calendar although she hides it out of sight not to look soft.
The house is a perfect alternative to hiding the advent Calendar what could be nicer than 25 of these little houses hanging from the Christmas tree & each one filled with a favorite chocolate and the doors numbered from 1 to 25.

As you can see I only glued down one side of the roof as I figured a Thornton's Chocolate would fit into the house just nicely.

1 down only another 24 to make.

To see more of Jaks creations visit her at

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