For the Doctor Who Fans, The Tardis

Hi, and a huge thanks to Julie who has asked me to contribute to this wonderful Blog. I was asked to feature my Tardis card i recently made ... thumbnail 1 summary
Hi, and a huge thanks to Julie who has asked me to contribute to this wonderful Blog. I was asked to feature my Tardis card i recently made for my sons birthday. Now don't look at this and think it is too hard because its not. so here we go.....

I used almost a whole 12x12 sheet of card for this. So select a blue that looks closest to the tardis and first fold a 4 1/2 by 6 3/4 " card. This is your base card. From the left over cut 2 side sections at 6 3/4 " x 1/2 "and a middle strip at 6 3/4 x 1/4" add foam tape to the back edge in black ink and mount these down either side and the middle of the card.
The roof has 3 sections the biggest at 5 1/4 x 1 1/4 " edge in black ink and foam tape this level with the top of the card.
the middle roof section is 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 " add foam tape to the back edge in black ink and mount this a little higher.
the top roof section is 3 3/4 x 1 1/4" add foam tape to the back edge in black ink and mount this a little higher than the middle.
The light on top is a 3/4 ' circle punch cut in half and using a small peice of white card for the light and blue for the light base edge all in black ink....mount this on with foam tape.
The base is 5 x 1 1/2 "add foam tape to the back edge in black ink and mount along the base of the card.
Now cut 8 squares 1 x 1.1" edge them all in black ink but more on 2 side to give depth to each section. Mount these on with double sided tape adding the six smaller white windows in each of the top squares and the message in the next one down also edged in black ink.
Top finish add 2 door handles which were off cuts from a punch and a brad for the lock. For the sign i used small letter punches and hand writing.....i hope ive explained this ok ....heres the measurements have fun with it.....Valita

A note from Julie

Thank you so much Valita I love love love the Tardis and I know all Dr Who fans will

I'm so happy that you agreed to contribute to this blog :)

Everybody go and check out Valita's brilliant blog HERE

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