Little Plaid Flower Tutorial

Just a quick little tutorial to make the simple plaid flowers from my Nellie 5th Birthday Card . Here is the list of items needed to make th... thumbnail 1 summary
Just a quick little tutorial to make the simple plaid flowers from my Nellie 5th Birthday Card.

Here is the list of items needed to make this little flower:
  • Scraps of two different patterned/coloured paper
  • Moulding mat
  • Flower punch
  • 1/4" circle punch
  • Pva
  • Embossing ball tool
  • Tweezers make handling the small pieces easier, but not essential

Punch out one flower shape and one circle.

Place the flower upside down on the moulding mat. Emboss around the edges of each petal as shown by the curved arrow.

Turn the flower over, and emboss in a circle around the base of the petals.

The petals will pop up like this.

Emboss around the edge of the little circle, working your way into the centre in a spiral motion. Go back around the outside edge to smooth out the wrinkles.

It should look like this - a bit like a contact lens.

Place a tiny spot of pva in the centre of the flower, and use the tweezers to stick the circle on top.
Finished flower.

You can use other flower shapes as shown. Those with petals that are cut close in to the centre work the best - as with the 8 and 6 petaled flowers here. The five petaled flowers have larger centre areas in relation to their size, and the petals don't pop up quite as well.

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A note from Julie

These are the cutest flowers Joanne I love them!!

Everybody go and check out Joanne's inspiring blog HERE

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