Transfer method
You will need- Word Processor/Graphic editor to design your logo
- Strip of fabric ( I'm using ribbons for this tutorial)
- Iron
- 1 Sheet of Iron on transfers ( I've used Rymans)
- Inkjet printer
- Your creative head
I use Corel Paint Shop Pro to design my logo. For this tutorial I've used Microsoft Word as most people have this word processor.
- For a step by step guide on creating your logo using Microsoft Word try this
- This is an important step for this method. Once you are happy with your logo, group your images together then flip your design to create a mirror image. Here's a step by step guide on how to group images
- To flip the images make a copy of your original image(now grouped). Highlight the copied image.On the drawing toolbar, click on draw, then click on rotate or flip then on flip horizontal. Here's a picture of my logos before and after I flipped it
- Highlight your flipped image and on the drop down menu click on copy.
- On the menu bar Click on Tools. On the drop down menu highlight Letters and Mailings. From the sub menu click on Envelopes and Labels. You should get something like this
- Click on options and you will get this
- From the label products menu choose a template. I've chosen the Avery Standard and 8460 address. Play around with this until you find a label that works for your design
- Click ok and it should take you back to the screen in step 2. Now click on New Document and a new screen will open. If there are no grid lines showing on the menu bar click on Table and on the drop down menu click on Show Gridlines
- Right click your mouse and an image of your logo should appear on the document. Move the image into the boxes. repeat this process until you have filled all the boxes.Play around with the position of the images and adjust the box height and width until you are happy with the positioning.You can make the image smaller or bigger by left clicking on the image and dragging any of the circles.
- Once you are happy, print your images directly on to the transfer sheet( Follow manufacturers instructions)
Transfer image to Fabric
- Cut your printed logos into strips like this
- Iron the strips on to your chosen fabric (Follow manufacturers instructions)
- You should now have something like this
- Cut to your required length. I've used a pinking scissors for a decorative edge.
sew your label on to your lovely craft or use fabric glue. I also use studs both to secure and to add an extra bling to my labels
This is quick and easy once you've got the hang of it and the results can be really pretty. The disadvantage of this method is that it will wear off with time and you cant iron it once the image is transferred.
in part 2 there's a tutorial on how to make labels using another method. Hope you enjoyed this one. if you found it useful or you need me to explain any of the steps drop me a line.
Iron- on Adhesive method
You will need
- Word Processor/Graphic editor to design your logo
- fabric measuring 8 1/4" x 11 3/4" ( Size of A4 paper) I am using plain old cotton for mine
- Iron- on Adhesive( I've used Therm o Web, Heat n Bond purchased from John Lewis Uk)
- Iron
- Inkjet Printer
- Your creative head
Design your Logo
- Follow step 1
and 2in this post to design your label but don't flip your finished image. Group your images together so you have one completed image
Prepare Fabric for printing
- Cut the iron- on adhesive thingy (Therm o web, Heat n Bond) to the same size as the fabric (A4 paper) and then follow the manufacturers instructions for bonding it to your fabric. ( Don't peel of the backing paper yet)
The one on the right is the iron adhesive cut to size ( It comes in the pack as one strip 17" x1.25 yards) Ps it doesn't usually arrive this ruffled I've ruffled it to show the difference as its the same colour as my fabric.
and this is it ironed on and bonded.
Print your Logo
- Follow steps 1 - 6 under Print your logo in this post ( Ignore the bit about flipping your image)
- Put the bonded fabric in your printer and print your design. ( if your fabric is thick you may need to give it a bit of a helping hand )
This is what it looks like printed out.
I leave the backing paper on and cut the labels to the size and shape as needed.
Once you cut to the size and shape, peel of the backing paper and iron on to your bag/craft.( Follow manufacturers instructions) You can also sew it on.
...and this is the label on my craft-y bag
and the label belongs to this bag
This is the method I use for my labels. You can sew it, its washable and you can iron it. I suspect there's a lot more creativity to come out of it yet.
A bit about Therm o Web.
I think this is an American product. I did buy mine from John Lewis (UK) a while ago. I went back for more recently and they had sold out.
I've done a search on the web for UK based suppliers and so far have found this web site. Somewhere on the site it does say they are trade suppliers but I haven't checked it out yet.
If you do know of a shop either on line or bricks and mortar selling this product please let me know.
Hope you found this tutorial useful. If you did I'd love to hear from you.
A note from Julie :
Thank you Oge for a great tutorial
Please check out Oge's fantastic site HERE it is FAB!!
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